Puppies Due First Part of February
We are excited to announce that we will be having new puppies the first part of February. Parents are Scooter and Lexi. We are so excited for these puppies!

Let’s talk Poodles
Poodles are notorious for their intelligence, and ease of training. They are lively, active, fun loving and a true family pet, with a sense of ridiculous.
Poodles are exceptional jumpers, so pet owners need to ensure the yard has proper fencing. They tend to have long legs, this is why they like to jump, and are easy to train. We thrive on attention, and can develop bad habits, such as nuisance barking if ignored or left alone
Poodles love to socialize, with other humans, and other puppies. I encourage you to take them to the dog park and let them play with other puppies. Take them for walks in the neighborhood, let them meet people. You can teach them at this time all about training. Let the poodle know who is the boss, and they will respect you and listen to you.